Monthly Archives

August 2018

What I’m Listening To Now


Music is as much a part of my life as is air. I love all types of music, and am thrilled when I find new music to obsess over for a bit.Most of my days are filled with activities that require intense concentration. Whether I’m evaluating clinical cases during the day as a pharmacist, or I am responding…

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Back To School

I am grateful for every moment I have with my amazingly independent and spirited daughter (with full sass as witnessed above). But, I am also grateful for every moment that I have to myself. Back to school is always bittersweet. On one hand it reminds me that I let another Summer season go by and didn’t quite do all…


Eagle Eye Yoga

When I first began Shoulders With Freckles, I was desperately seeking a personal creative outlet, but also running multiple business, managing mommyhood to our amazing Princess Gwendelyn (now 7 years old!) and trying to still find time to fuel my marriage, friendships and family.Needless to say, I only got so far into getting Shoulders With Freckles off the ground…


Why Nature Loves Hexagons

During a recent whirlwind tour of Ireland and Northern Ireland, we visited Giant’s Causeway as do scores of other tourists and locals. The geological formations are stunning and fascinating. My science-wired brain was immediately curious about how such a consistently hexagonal structure forms in nature.In my quest for knowledge, I found a great article that quickly puts…