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Yoga For Kids


With a very active 9 year old daughter, one of our quarantine goals is to provide a variety of daily physical activities. On sunny days the activity includes walking the dog and on rainy days using the treadmill. We’ve also incorporated learning new dances and practicing various level of yoga into our daily routine. Over the weeks, we’ve…

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Artichoke & Olive Pasta Recipe

We are always looking for new recipes that will allow us to easily throw together a healthy dinner. One of moments that brings us so much joy is when we can fully utilize our pantry, and create a recipe that is nutritious and delicious. After a long day of work, we whipped up this quick recipe of Artichoke & Olive…


The Benefits Of Meditation – Infographic

Today we want to talk about mental health. We all have times of stress or depression or excitement, but overtime, experiencing consistent high levels of these emotions can impact our overall health.As an entrepreneur, I cycle through these emotions daily, as I’m sure that many of you do as well. In my effort to bring my focus back…