Affiliate Disclosure
Shoulders With Freckles is a place for me to share my experiences in travel and family, as well as the arts and various products that I use and love. Shoulders With Freckles is also a for-profit blog and some (not all) of my product review posts are the result of me receiving the item at reduced or no cost, and/or the posts may include affiliate links. Affiliate link programs are generally based on earning a small sum based on sales generated from product links, and Shoulders With Freckles uses links or in some cases discount codes with various companies as our affiliate disclosure.
The most important disclaimer is that I will only ever provide reviews for products or services that I have tried personally, and I will always write a complete and truly honest review along with my opinion or recommendation.
Summer Kramer (Founder, Shoulders With Freckles)
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials to protect you from misleading advertising that’s been paid for by a company. Within each post, I am doing my best to be up front the affiliate link disclosure to acknowledge if the product review was paid or contains affiliate link programs. Each post that contains sponsored products will be noted with “While all opinions are my own, this post was sponsored or includes affiliate links – the full disclosure statement is available {here}.”
My brand partners page will provide links to the companies that I have established working relationships with, and you can learn more about each company on their websites or through any existing blog posts on Shoulders With Freckles.
As always, if you have any questions regarding my product reviews or relationships with various companies please do not hesitate to contact me at Please also see our Privacy Policy & Terms Of Use page for additional information.