Creative Holiday Gift Idea For Family and Friends!


If you’re anything like me, about this time of year you start having grand ideas for creative gifts for family and loved ones…but, reality sets in and the once grand idea gets watered down to an acceptably fine gift. However, not this year! I found this amazing new app that easily and quickly creates wonderful photo books that are automatically shipped to your family and friends. The app is Neveo, and am so pleased with my first photo book. If you’re looking for a creative holiday gift, read through this review with all of my tips and tricks and don’t miss the promo code with a free month – just in time for the holidays!

An Easy, Creative Holiday Gift Idea

Neveo is incredibly easy to use. Each month, you upload up to 50 photos directly from your phone into the Neveo app. The window to upload photos is from the first through the last day of the month at midnight. Once the clock strikes midnight, the submission window closes and your photo books get laid out and go into print automatically, and shipped about 7-10 days later to the recipients of your choice.

We chose our first photo book to go to my parents to test out the process. First of all, my parents were thrilled to receive such a wonderful surprise! They loved seeing photos from our adventures throughout the summer. To see my parent’s reaction to this photo book, ensures that I will be sending out to more family members for December….and just in time for the holidays. (Sorry, for the spoiler alert to my other family members).

Tips & Tricks For Your Best Photo Book

I will fully admit that I didn’t know what to expect from the Neveo photo book, and wasn’t sure what the layout would look like since it’s automatically completed. In light of that, I made some rookie mistakes that I will not repeat again.

First mistake was that I didn’t fully proof the order of the photos that I uploaded. Depending on your upload order, the photos may not be grouped as you intended, so my suggestion is to take the time to review and order the photos as you would like them laid out. The Neveo app makes it very easy to reorder them with a drag and drop organization screen.

Second mistake was I only added comments to a few of my photos. For reference, look at the blank sections next to the photos as this space is reserved for comments. For some reason, I didn’t feel like it was important to add the comments. However, having now received the photo book, the comments are so fun and you have a ton of space to catalog the who, what, where, when of each photo (or not, the comments are not required).

Overall, I am really thrilled with the Neveo app, and will definitely continue to use the service throughout the year to keep the grandparents and family members updated with our wacky adventures!

The amazing Neveo team has created an amazing promotion for all of you! Use promo code WITHFRECKLES to receive a free month to try Neveo risk free AND just in time for the holidays! Create your free account, upload and organize your photos by the end of November and you’ll have beautiful and customized photo books sent to your selected family and loved ones by mid-December (or you can choose to have them sent to you directly to give out for the holidays).

Thanks for reviewing Neveo with me. Don’t forget to use the promo code WITHFRECKLES for a free month!

This product review was done in collaboration with Neveo. While this is a sponsored post in order to provide you all with a free month to try out Neveo, the product review and opinions are my own. I only work with brands and companies that provide products that I have tried and/or tested personally and will always provide my true and honest opinion.


Summer Kramer, Pharm.D.

Founder of Shoulders With Freckles and SUMMERSKIN, as well as a Pharmacist, Melanoma Survivor & Mom.