When I first began Shoulders With Freckles, I was desperately seeking a personal creative outlet, but also running multiple business, managing mommyhood to our amazing Princess Gwendelyn (now 7 years old!) and trying to still find time to fuel my marriage, friendships and family.
Needless to say, I only got so far into getting Shoulders With Freckles off the ground before taking a much needed break. I thought daily about how to restart, reinvent, revive, reenergize myself and the blog. After a year of self-evaluation, self-healing, self-love, and strength building through yoga, I am getting myself back on track.
Almost exactly one year ago, I had a truly jaw dropping experience on the Oregon Coast. The location where I’m showing my warrior in this shot below is my parent’s backyard, also the location of our wedding 10 years ago, and one of my favorite places on earth!
Within the first ten minutes of my yoga session, Eagle Eye, one of the resident whales in the area came up for a visit. Not only did Eagle Eye come in close to the cliff where I was, but stayed with me for over half an hour. The experience was incredibly moving and humbling as I posed to the rhythmic breaths from this magnificent and graceful animal.
I love that no matter how stressful or challenging my day has been, nature doesn’t care. Eagle eye doesn’t care if someone cut me off in traffic, or if my daughter doesn’t want to put on pants. Eagle eye doesn’t care if there are dirty dishes in the sink, or laundry that needs to be folded.
The state of being present and releasing the stress of the day is what I strive for in life and during every yoga practice. My daughter understands being present, as most kids do, and I love watching her response to seeing Eagle Eye. We have a lot to learn from our kids, from the ocean and Eagle Eye, and this incredible moment pulled all of my favorite elements together.
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