How I Took Control Of My Seborrheic Dermatitis


In honor of this month being National Eczema Awareness Month, let’s get personal. I wrote this piece about my experience with seborrheic dermatitis for the SUMMERSKIN Blog awhile back, but wanted to share it with you all as well.

Seborrheic dermatitis is my childhood skin condition that has continued to haunt my adult life…until now.

Since the age of 11, I have been struggling with a tough case of seborrheic dermatitis on my face and scalp. In the most recent years, it had become so severe that I required almost daily use of topical steroids, prescription antifungals, and rarely had days without a flare of the painful and unattractive skin condition.

Seborrheic dermatitis is considered to be a chronic form of eczema, and is seen Facial Seborrheic Dermatitis on areas of the body that have higher levels of oil-producing glands, such as the facial T-zone, scalp and back of the neck. Stress, hormonal changes, harsh soaps & chemicals and dry winter weather are all triggers for seborrheic dermatitis flares.

As you can see from the image to the right, I desperately wanted to find a cure for this condition.

After decades of trying every prescription, lotion, cleanser, and steroid that was recommended to me with little to no relief, I began to lose hope.

Dead Sea Salt & Dermatitis

This prompted me to begin researching alternative therapies. One such therapy that caught my eye was the use of Dead Sea Salt rinses.Copyright: <a href=''>marysmn / 123RF Stock Photo</a>

The benefits of sea salt and specifically salt from the Dead Sea have long since been studied, even the ancient Greeks praised the healing nature of mineral hot springs. The health benefits from Dead Sea salt are attributed to the higher levels of the mineral components, specifically magnesium.

New York based dermatologist, Francesca Fusco, MD explained to ELLE magazine why the additional of these minerals is important for skin health.

“Ordinary salt is largely sodium chloride is very dehydrating, but mineral salt, such as Dead Sea salt, is rich in magnesium and calcium, which improve hydration by strengthening the barrier function of the skin.”

“When the skin’s mineral quotient is out of whack, we all know it: Telltale signs such as dryness, irritation, dullness, and blotchiness” begin to emerge, Fusco says. “Moisturizers containing salts are better than plain old occlusive (which prevent water from evaporating from the skin, such as Vaseline), because they allow moisture to be absorbed and to bind to skin more efficiently.”

Personal Dermatitis Experience

From personal experience, in February of this year, I ditched my long list of failed treatments, and replaced them with daily Dead Sea salt water washes and Aveeno Eczema therapy. I also feel that one of the most important aspects to this regimen, is that I do not use any soaps or face washes, and avoid any additional oils on my face and scalp.

The results…..I have not had a single seborrheic dermatitis flare since beginning the Dead Sea Salt therapy! That’s over a year without a flare….life changing!

Additionally, I have had significant improvements in acne and overall skin tone and color.

I know what your next questions is….how do I remove my makeup with no face wash? I use a microfiber cloth that very thoroughly removes makeup and leaves my skin feeling clean and exfoliated, without the use of soaps or harsh cleansers.

Here is the recipe for the Dead Sea Salt wash, and the specific products that I recommend:

Minera Dead Sea Salt Face Wash

½ tsp Minera Dead Sea Salt
2 cups of warm water

Combine and stir until salt is dissolved. Soak affected area for a few minutes, and let sit on the area for a few minutes. Rinse with clean water and pat dry.
I then apply the oatmeal-based Aveeno Eczema therapy to the affected areas, and daily as preventative.

Skin Care & Dermatitis Update:

While the Dead Sea Salt is still one of my go-to regimens, the added stress of the past couple years has caused an acne flare as well. In order to control both my dermatitis and my acne, I have worked with my dermatologist to add a prescription topical, sulfacetamide, to my skin care regimen. The addition of sulfacetamide has worked well for me, but everyone’s skin is beautifully unique. If you are finding yourself needing an additional product to help control other skin issues make sure to talk to your dermatologist to find the right products for your gorgeous and wonderful skin!

Here are some of the products that I use regularly:

Minera Sea Salt from the San Francisco Salt Company

Aveeno Eczema Therapy Moisturizing Cream

Bella Rose FACE OFF Makeup Remover

Other Skin Care Tips

While seborrheic dermatitis is one of my important skin care issues, I am also a melanoma survivor and sun safety is still my number one priority! As we enter into Fall and Winter, make sure to check out this post for more sun safe skin care tips: Why You Should Wear Sunscreen In The Winter, and How To Do It Right.

Summer Kramer, Pharm.D.

Founder of Shoulders With Freckles and SUMMERSKIN, as well as a Pharmacist, Melanoma Survivor & Mom.